Let's Create

If there ever was a time to change how we move through our days, think about tough issues, and take action – that time is now.
There are many reasons to be loving, compassionate, and kind - and hopeful. There is so much happening in the world. However, upsetting images flash across our newsfeeds every day that create many reasons to be anxious, nervous, and angry. We each have an enormous responsibility to respond in a way that is productive and contributes to the greater good.
Our response? The Creators Space Family took action and began to CREATE. We are creating a place where a group of diverse artists, entrepreneurs, and thinkers can come together. We are creating a successful business model that lives in harmony with social impact. We are creating a center that promotes individual enlightenment and diverse thinkers. We are creating a beloved space that is built on love, compassion, kindness, and respect.
The drywall is coming down. New walls, wiring, and windows are being put up. Countless decisions are being made about furniture, fabric, paint, and lighting. Questions are being answered about how the space will best meet the needs of the community - where should this door be? What about that studio? What kind of light is best for this class and how can we bring in the elements for that amazing meditation space downstairs? What should we serve in the coffee house? The list goes on ...
Through this entire process of creating, we've been moving through the discomfort and anxiety that rises up. Fear sometimes sneaks in and asks questions like "who do you think you are, creating something as big and bold and transformational as this?" The answer is to keep creating.
And so it goes. Creating something new involves a whole host of emotions, but the answer is always to keep creating and continue to make art. Our art just happens to be a creativity center, a community, and a creators movement!
The world is calling for action - we get to decide how to respond. Let's Create.